Hello! And welcome to my shop.

I am a Children's Ministry Director and a "creative". I am lucky, in that if I can't find what I'm looking for, I can usually make it myself. I am finally getting a spot on the web to add my "stuff" to the wonderfully rich network of resources that are being developed for childhood faith formation in this moment. 

I am interested in:

  • Contemplative practices for children, individual and communal
  • Holy listening and spiritual direction with children
  • Body theology that finds all bodies holy and embodied practices
  • Wondering together, sitting with God in questions
  • Captivating imaginations with the stories of the Bible
  • Taking substantive material and making it FUN
  • Resources for pre-readers full of pictures so they know this is for them
  • Giving children tools to draw living water from the deep well of Christian faith
  • Spiritual imagination and spiritual play
  • Finding communal meaning in Children's Worship classrooms.
  • Lacy Finn Borgo, Leanne Hadley, Neddy Yong, and Mina Munns-- They rock.

Please reach out. I love to chat about this good work. 

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